
Grafton Celebrates the Holidays, Sunday December 3, 2017

The spruced-up museum hosts Grafton Celebrates the Holidays on Sunday December 3, 2017 from 12 to 4 p.m. with TWO Frosty Stops

  • 1 Grafton Common – the main museum
  • 37 Wheeler Road – the Community Barn with a satellite display of popular artifacts


Cookies, punch, and coffee are served. Find out more about your town’s history, and see and touch real artifacts, textiles, shoes, and other items from Grafton’s past. Examine the thousands of vintage photographs taken in Grafton. If you’re interested, you can also look into helping out with research and other society activities aimed at preserving Grafton’s past.

Here are some photos of the event, click a picture and use arrow keys, or else start the auto-advance slideshow: